1 spatial-frequency pattern
Электроника: испытательная таблица пространственных частотУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > spatial-frequency pattern
2 spatial-frequency pattern
тлв испытательная таблица пространственных частотEnglish-Russian electronics dictionary > spatial-frequency pattern
3 spatial-frequency pattern
тлв. испытательная таблица пространственных частотThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > spatial-frequency pattern
4 spatial-frequency pattern
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > spatial-frequency pattern
5 spatial-frequency pattern
English-Russian dictionary of electronics > spatial-frequency pattern
6 pattern
1) образ; изображение ( объекта); картина (напр. явления)2) структура; конфигурация; схема ( размещения или расположения) || иметь структуру; формировать структуру; обладать конфигурацией; придавать (определённую) конфигурацию; размещать(ся) или располагать(ся) по (определённой) схеме3) узор; (структурированный) рисунок || создавать узор; образовывать узор; формировать (структурированный) рисунок4) (структурированная) комбинация или последовательность ( объектов)5) распределение; картина распределения; диаграмма распределения || распределять(ся); обладать (определённой) картиной или диаграммой распределения6) диаграмма направленности (напр. антенны) || формировать диаграмму направленности (напр. антенны)7) модель; образец; шаблон || следовать модели или образцу, изготавливать по шаблону; служить моделью или образцом, являться шаблоном8) репрезентативный экземпляр; типичный пример9) тлв испытательная таблица10) стиль; форма || следовать стилю; придавать форму11) рлк (предписанная) схема захода на посадку•- 2D-pattern
- 3D-pattern
- alphamosaic pattern
- amplitude pattern
- antenna pattern
- array pattern
- arrival pattern
- axial ratio pattern
- azimuthal pattern
- background pattern
- backscattering pattern
- bar pattern
- bar test pattern
- beam pattern
- beat pattern
- bicolored pattern
- bidirectional pattern
- bit pattern
- Bitter powder patterns
- broadside pattern
- bubble pattern
- cardioid pattern
- charge pattern
- Chebyshev pattern
- Christmas-tree pattern
- circuit-interconnection pattern
- circular pattern
- code pattern
- color pattern
- color-bar pattern
- color-bar test pattern
- conductive pattern
- conductor pattern
- contoured pattern
- co-polar pattern
- co-polar radiation pattern
- cosecant pattern
- cosecant-squared pattern
- cosecant-squared radiation pattern
- cosine pattern
- cosine-type pattern
- coverage pattern
- crosshatch pattern
- cross-polar pattern
- cross-polar radiation pattern
- crystal pattern
- customized metallization pattern
- Debye powder pattern
- Debye-Scherrer powder pattern
- desktop pattern
- difference pattern
- diffraction pattern
- directional pattern
- directional-response pattern
- directivity pattern
- domain pattern
- dot pattern
- drive pattern
- earth-coverage radiation pattern
- electron-diffraction pattern
- electrostatic-charge pattern
- element pattern
- element-radiation pattern
- elevation-plane pattern
- equatorial pattern
- etch pattern
- example pattern
- eye pattern
- fan pattern
- far-field pattern
- far-zone pattern
- feed pattern
- field pattern
- fine-line pattern
- fine-linewidth pattern
- fixed-interconnection pattern
- Foucault pattern
- framing pattern
- Fraunhofer pattern
- Fraunhofer diffraction pattern
- free-space radiation pattern
- Fresnel pattern
- Fresnel diffraction pattern
- fringe pattern
- gear pattern
- grain pattern
- Gray-code test patterns
- ground-wave pattern
- heating pattern
- holographic pattern
- idle pattern
- input pattern
- integrated-circuit pattern
- interconnection pattern
- interdigitated pattern
- interference pattern
- isolation-etch oxide pattern
- land pattern
- lane-changing pattern
- language pattern
- Laue pattern
- layout pattern
- light band pattern
- Lissajous patterns
- lobed pattern
- luminescent pattern
- magnetic-field pattern
- magnetization pattern
- master pattern
- maximum-gain pattern
- metallization pattern
- mode pattern
- modulation patterns
- modulus squared Fraunhofer diffraction pattern
- moiré pattern
- multilobe pattern
- multiple pattern
- narrow-beam pattern
- near-field pattern
- near-field radiation pattern
- nulled pattern
- omnidirectional pattern
- optical pattern
- oscilloscope pattern
- output pattern
- pencil-beam pattern
- permalloy pattern
- phase pattern
- phosphor-dot pattern
- photoetched pattern
- pickax bubble propagation pattern
- polarization pattern
- polar radiation pattern
- pole-zero pattern
- potential pattern
- powder pattern
- power pattern
- primary pattern
- programmed interconnection pattern
- radiation pattern
- raster pattern
- receiving-beam pattern
- reference pattern
- reflectance pattern
- resolution pattern
- routing pattern
- scan pattern
- scattering pattern
- seasonal pattern
- secondary pattern
- sector-shaped pattern
- sector-shaped radiation pattern
- select pattern
- space pattern
- spatial-frequency pattern
- speckle pattern
- split-lobe pattern
- spot-beam pattern
- striation pattern
- stripline pattern
- stroboscopic pattern
- subject pattern
- sum pattern
- synchronization pattern
- synthetic array pattern
- target output pattern
- T-bar bubble propagation pattern
- tessellation pattern
- test pattern
- time pattern
- toroidal pattern
- tracking pattern
- training patterns
- transient pattern
- transient interference pattern
- transmitting-beam pattern
- umbrella pattern
- voltage pattern
- wedge pattern
- Y-Y bubble propagation pattern
- zero pattern -
7 pattern
1) образ; изображение ( объекта); картина (напр. явления)2) структура; конфигурация; схема ( размещения или расположения) || иметь структуру; формировать структуру; обладать конфигурацией; придавать (определённую) конфигурацию; размещать(ся) или располагать(ся) по (определённой) схеме3) узор; (структурированный) рисунок || создавать узор; образовывать узор; формировать (структурированный) рисунок4) (структурированная) комбинация или последовательность ( объектов)5) распределение; картина распределения; диаграмма распределения || распределять(ся); обладать (определённой) картиной или диаграммой распределения6) диаграмма направленности (напр. антенны) || формировать диаграмму направленности (напр. антенны)7) модель; образец; шаблон || следовать модели или образцу, изготавливать по шаблону; служить моделью или образцом, являться шаблоном8) репрезентативный экземпляр; типичный пример9) тлв. испытательная таблица10) стиль; форма || следовать стилю; придавать форму11) рлк. (предписанная) схема захода на посадку•- 3D pattern
- alphamosaic pattern
- amplitude pattern
- antenna pattern
- array pattern
- arrival pattern
- axial ratio pattern
- azimuthal pattern
- background pattern
- backscattering pattern
- bar pattern
- bar test pattern
- beam pattern
- beat pattern
- bicolored pattern
- bidirectional pattern
- bit pattern
- Bitter powder patterns
- broadside pattern
- bubble pattern
- cardioid pattern
- charge pattern
- Chebyshev pattern
- Christmas-tree pattern
- circuit-interconnection pattern
- circular pattern
- code pattern
- color pattern
- color-bar pattern
- color-bar test pattern
- conductive pattern
- conductor pattern
- contoured pattern
- co-polar pattern
- co-polar radiation pattern
- cosecant pattern
- cosecant-squared pattern
- cosecant-squared radiation pattern
- cosine pattern
- cosine-type pattern
- coverage pattern
- crosshatch pattern
- cross-polar pattern
- cross-polar radiation pattern
- crystal pattern
- customized metallization pattern
- Debye powder pattern
- Debye-Scherrer powder pattern
- desktop pattern
- difference pattern
- diffraction pattern
- directional pattern
- directional-response pattern
- directivity pattern
- domain pattern
- dot pattern
- drive pattern
- earth-coverage radiation pattern
- electron-diffraction pattern
- electrostatic-charge pattern
- element pattern
- element-radiation pattern
- elevation-plane pattern
- equatorial pattern
- etch pattern
- example pattern
- eye pattern
- fan pattern
- far-field pattern
- far-zone pattern
- feed pattern
- field pattern
- fine-line pattern
- fine-linewidth pattern
- fixed-interconnection pattern
- Foucault pattern
- framing pattern
- Fraunhofer diffraction pattern
- Fraunhofer pattern
- free-space radiation pattern
- Fresnel diffraction pattern
- Fresnel pattern
- fringe pattern
- gear pattern
- grain pattern
- Gray-code test patterns
- ground-wave pattern
- heating pattern
- holographic pattern
- idle pattern
- input pattern
- integrated-circuit pattern
- interconnection pattern
- interdigitated pattern
- interference pattern
- isolation-etch oxide pattern
- land pattern
- lane-changing pattern
- language pattern
- Laue pattern
- layout pattern
- light band pattern
- Lissajous patterns
- lobed pattern
- luminescent pattern
- magnetic-field pattern
- magnetization pattern
- master pattern
- maximum-gain pattern
- metallization pattern
- mode pattern
- modulation patterns
- modulus squared Fraunhofer diffraction pattern
- moiré pattern
- multilobe pattern
- multiple pattern
- narrow-beam pattern
- near-field pattern
- near-field radiation pattern
- nulled pattern
- omnidirectional pattern
- optical pattern
- oscilloscope pattern
- output pattern
- pattern of connectivity
- pencil-beam pattern
- permalloy pattern
- phase pattern
- phosphor-dot pattern
- photoetched pattern
- pickax bubble propagation pattern
- polar radiation pattern
- polarization pattern
- pole-zero pattern
- potential pattern
- powder pattern
- power pattern
- primary pattern
- programmed interconnection pattern
- radiation pattern
- raster pattern
- receiving-beam pattern
- reference pattern
- reflectance pattern
- resolution pattern
- routing pattern
- scan pattern
- scattering pattern
- seasonal pattern
- secondary pattern
- sector-shaped pattern
- sector-shaped radiation pattern
- select pattern
- space pattern
- spatial-frequency pattern
- speckle pattern
- split-lobe pattern
- spot-beam pattern
- striation pattern
- stripline pattern
- stroboscopic pattern
- subject pattern
- sum pattern
- synchronization pattern
- synthetic array pattern
- target output pattern
- T-bar bubble propagation pattern
- tessellation pattern
- test pattern
- time pattern
- toroidal pattern
- tracking pattern
- training patterns
- transient interference pattern
- transient pattern
- transmitting-beam pattern
- umbrella pattern
- voltage pattern
- wedge pattern
- Y-Y bubble propagation pattern
- zero patternThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > pattern
8 pattern
1) рисунок; образец2) схема, диаграмма ( направленности антенны)3) конфигурация4) растр5) изображение•- antenna-receptance pattern
- bar-test pattern
- Bayliss pattern
- beam pattern
- bit pattern
- call-routing pattern
- cancellation pattern
- cardioid pattern
- cartographic pattern
- chevron pattern
- code pattern
- connection pattern
- constrained pattern
- contact pattern
- copolar pattern pattern
- correlation pattern
- cosine pattern
- cosine-type pattern
- decreasing sidelobe pattern
- direction pattern
- directional-response pattern
- directivity pattern
- electronic-test pattern
- elliptical pattern
- elliptical-moir pattern
- equiripple pattern
- equisidelobe pattern
- error pattern
- error-detection pattern
- eye pattern
- fan-shaped vertical pattern
- far-field radiation pattern
- free-excitation element pattern
- free-space radiation pattern
- illumination pattern
- intensity pattern
- interference pattern
- line pattern
- moir pattern
- multiplicative pattern
- null-constrained pattern
- one-way pattern
- pancake pattern
- polar radiation pattern
- polarization pattern
- potential pattern
- pulse pattern
- radiation pattern
- real pattern
- resolution pattern
- routing pattern
- scan pattern
- space pattern
- spatial-frequency pattern
- spurious pattern
- subject pattern
- test pattern
- two-way pattern
- uncorrelated fading pattern
- unipolarized pattern
- volumetric pattern
- wavy pattern
- wedge pattern
- wiring patternEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > pattern
9 spatial
– spatial arrangement
– spatial coordinates
– spatial frequency
– spatial frequency filtering
– spatial harmonic
– spatial intellect
– spatial motion
– spatial orientation
– spatial pattern
– spatial planning
– spatial relationship
– spatial spectral feature
– spatial transformation
10 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
11 noise
шум; шумы- additive noise
- additive white Gaussian noise
- AM noise
- ambient noise
- amplitude noise
- angle noise
- angle-modulation noise
- antenna noise
- artificial noise
- atmospheric noise
- atmospheric modulation noise
- audible noise
- audio-frequency noise
- auroral noise
- avalanche noise
- avalanche-multiplication noise
- background noise
- band-limited white noise
- Barkhausen noise
- base noise
- basic noise
- beam noise
- beat noise
- bias noise
- broad-band noise
- brown noise
- bulk erased noise
- bulk-trapping noise
- burst noise
- carrier residual modulation noise
- cavitation noise
- circuit noise
- clipped noise
- C-message weighted noise
- coast noise
- collector noise
- common-mode noise
- contact noise
- continuous noise
- cosmic antenna noise
- current noise
- dark-current noise
- delta noise
- diffusion noise
- diode noise
- direct-current noise
- disk surface noise
- distribution noise
- edge noise
- electrical noise
- electromagnetic noise
- equivalent input noise
- equivalent output noise
- excess noise
- external noise
- extraneous noise
- extraterrestrial noise
- film-grain noise
- flat noise
- flicker noise
- flow noise
- fluctuation noise
- flutter noise
- front-end noise
- frying noise
- full shot noise
- galactic noise
- gas noise
- gated noise
- Gaussian noise
- generation-recombination noise
- glint noise
- grain noise
- granular noise
- grid noise
- ground noise
- high-frequency noise
- hissing noise
- hum noise
- hydrodynamic noise
- idle channel noise
- idling noise
- ignition noise
- impact noise
- impulse noise
- impulsive noise
- in-band noise
- induced noise
- induced grid noise
- inherent noise
- input noise
- instrument noise
- instrumentation noise
- interception noise
- intermodulation noise
- internal noise
- intrinsic noise
- intrusive noise
- jitter noise
- Johnson noise
- junction noise
- lightning storm noise
- line noise
- low-frequency noise
- man-made noise
- Markovian noise
- microphonic noise
- microplasma noise
- microwave noise
- modal noise
- modulation noise
- multiplicative noise
- narrow-band noise
- natural noise
- needle noise
- out-of-band noise
- output noise
- overload noise
- partition noise
- pattern-noise
- phase noise
- phonon noise
- photocurrent noise
- photon noise
- physical noise
- pink noise
- plasma noise
- pop noise
- popcorn noise
- precipitation noise
- primer noise
- pseudo-random noise
- pump noise
- pumping noise
- quantization noise
- quantizing noise
- quantum noise
- quasi-impulsive noise
- quiescent noise
- radio noise
- random noise
- recording noise
- reference noise
- resistance noise
- rubbing noise
- saturation noise
- Schottky noise
- seismic noise
- self-noise
- servo noise
- set noise
- shot noise
- sky noise
- slope overload noise
- solar noise
- solar radio noise
- spatial noise
- spatially correlated noise
- speckle noise
- speech-off noise
- speech-on noise
- spin-system noise
- spontaneous emission noise
- statistical noise
- structure-borne noise
- subaudio noise
- surface noise
- system noise
- target noise
- telegraph noise
- telephone noise
- terrestrial noise
- thermal noise
- transistor noise
- transmitter noise
- true random noise
- tube noise
- ungated noise
- vacuum-tube noise
- velocity fluctuation noise
- video noise
- virgin noise
- visible noise
- white noise
- wow noise
- zero noise
- 1/f noise -
12 noise
шум; шумы- added noise
- additive noise
- additive white Gaussian noise
- AM noise
- ambient noise
- amplitude noise
- angle noise
- angle-modulation noise
- antenna noise
- artificial noise
- atmospheric modulation noise
- atmospheric noise
- audible noise
- audio-frequency noise
- auroral noise
- avalanche noise
- avalanche-multiplication noise
- background noise
- band-limited white noise
- Barkhausen noise
- base noise
- basic noise
- beam noise
- beat noise
- bias noise
- broad-band noise
- brown noise
- bulk erased noise
- bulk-trapping noise
- burst noise
- carrier residual modulation noise
- cavitation noise
- circuit noise
- clipped noise
- C-message weighted noise
- coast noise
- collector noise
- common-mode noise
- contact noise
- continuous noise
- cosmic antenna noise
- current noise
- dark-current noise
- delta noise
- diffusion noise
- diode noise
- direct-current noise
- disk surface noise
- distribution noise
- edge noise
- electrical noise
- electromagnetic noise
- equivalent input noise
- equivalent output noise
- excess noise
- external noise
- extraneous noise
- extraterrestrial noise
- film-grain noise
- flat noise
- flicker noise
- flow noise
- fluctuation noise
- flutter noise
- front-end noise
- frying noise
- full shot noise
- galactic noise
- gas noise
- gated noise
- Gaussian noise
- generation-recombination noise
- glint noise
- grain noise
- granular noise
- grid noise
- ground noise
- high-frequency noise
- hissing noise
- hum noise
- hydrodynamic noise
- idle channel noise
- idling noise
- ignition noise
- impact noise
- impulse noise
- impulsive noise
- in-band noise
- induced grid noise
- induced noise
- inherent noise
- input noise
- instrument noise
- instrumentation noise
- interception noise
- intermodulation noise
- internal noise
- intrinsic noise
- intrusive noise
- jitter noise
- Johnson noise
- junction noise
- lightning storm noise
- line noise
- low-frequency noise
- man-made noise
- Markovian noise
- microphonic noise
- microplasma noise
- microwave noise
- modal noise
- modulation noise
- multiplicative noise
- narrow-band noise
- natural noise
- needle noise
- out-of-band noise
- output noise
- overload noise
- partition noise
- pattern-noise
- phase noise
- phonon noise
- photocurrent noise
- photon noise
- physical noise
- pink noise
- plasma noise
- pop noise
- popcorn noise
- precipitation noise
- primer noise
- pseudo-random noise
- pump noise
- pumping noise
- quantization noise
- quantizing noise
- quantum noise
- quasi-impulsive noise
- quiescent noise
- radio noise
- random noise
- recording noise
- reference noise
- resistance noise
- rubbing noise
- saturation noise
- Schottky noise
- seismic noise
- self-noise
- servo noise
- set noise
- shot noise
- sky noise
- slope overload noise
- solar noise
- solar radio noise
- spatial noise
- spatially correlated noise
- speckle noise
- speech-off noise
- speech-on noise
- spin-system noise
- spontaneous emission noise
- statistical noise
- structure-borne noise
- subaudio noise
- surface noise
- system noise
- target noise
- telegraph noise
- telephone noise
- terrestrial noise
- thermal noise
- transistor noise
- transmitter noise
- true random noise
- tube noise
- ungated noise
- vacuum-tube noise
- velocity fluctuation noise
- video noise
- virgin noise
- visible noise
- white noise
- wow noise
- zero noiseThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > noise
13 sensitivity
- amplifier sensitivity
- audio-power sensitivity
- average sensitivity
- blue sensitivity
- calling current sensitivity
- camera sensitivity
- chromatic sensitivity
- close-talking sensitivity
- color sensitivity
- contrast sensitivity
- current sensitivity
- deflection sensitivity
- difference sensitivity
- dynamic sensitivity
- error sensitivity
- frequency-dependent sensitivity
- frequency-modulated receiver deviation sensitivity
- gain sensitivity
- gain-restricted sensitivity
- green sensitivity
- heat sensitivity
- IF sensitivity
- illumination sensitivity
- instrument sensitivity
- integrated sensitivity
- inverse sensitivity
- light sensitivity
- magnetic sensitivity
- multisignal sensitivity
- noise-limited sensitivity
- orthotelephone sensitivity
- oscillograph sensitivity
- pager sensitivity
- pattern sensitivity
- peak sensitivity
- photocell sensitivity
- polarized sensitivity
- pressure sensitivity
- quieting sensitivity
- radiographic sensitivity
- random sensitivity
- real sensitivity
- receiver sensitivity
- red sensitivity
- reduced sensitivity
- relative sensitivity
- single-signal sensitivity
- spatial sensitivity
- spectral sensitivity
- static sensitivity
- tape sensitivity
- telephone sensitivity
- threshold sensitivity
- time-dependent sensitivity
- total sensitivity
- transducer sensitivity
- tuning sensitivity
- usable sensitivity
- voltage sensitivity
- write-in sensitivityEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > sensitivity
14 bandwidth
1) полоса пропускания, ширина полосы пропускания4) ширина спектра ( сигнала)•- amplifier bandwidth
- antenna bandwidth
- authorized bandwidth
- axial-ratio bandwidth
- baseband bandwidth
- broad bandwidth
- capture bandwidth
- cavity resonance bandwidth
- chrominance bandwidth
- closed-loop noise bandwidth
- design bandwidth
- diffracted bandwidth
- Doppler bandwidth
- effective bandwidth
- emission bandwidth
- equivalent-noise bandwidth
- excess bandwidth
- fiber bandwidth
- full-power bandwidth
- half-power bandwidth
- hopped bandwidth
- IF bandwidth
- instantaneous bandwidth
- lock-in bandwidth
- media bandwidth
- memory bandwidth
- modulation bandwidth
- monochrome bandwidth
- n-dB bandwidth
- necessary bandwidth
- network bandwidth
- noise bandwidth
- noise-equivalent bandwidth
- nominal bandwidth
- normalized bandwidth
- occupied bandwidth
- optical bandwidth
- output bandwidth
- pass bandwidth
- pattern bandwidth
- phase bandwidth
- postdetection bandwidth
- power bandwidth
- pulse bandwidth
- radio-frequency bandwidth
- receiver bandwidth
- reflection bandwidth
- root-mean-square bandwidth
- signal bandwidth
- sound bandwidth
- space bandwidth
- spatial bandwidth
- spectral bandwidth
- speech bandwidth
- telecommunication bandwidth
- telegraph bandwidth
- television bandwidth
- transmission bandwidth
- voice bandwidth
- waveguide transmission bandwidthEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > bandwidth
См. также в других словарях:
Spatial filter — A spatial filter is an optical device which uses the principles of Fourier optics to alter the structure of a beam of coherent light or other electromagnetic radiation. Spatial filtering is commonly used to clean up the output of lasers, removing … Wikipedia
Spatial anti-aliasing — In digital signal processing, spatial anti aliasing is the technique of minimizing the distortion artifacts known as aliasing when representing a high resolution image at a lower resolution. Anti aliasing is used in digital photography, computer… … Wikipedia
Moiré pattern — Moiré and Moire redirect here. For other uses, see Moire (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
Scaling pattern of occupancy — William E. Kunin (1998) [Kunin, WE. 1998. Extrapolating species abundance across spatial scales. Science, 281: 1513 1515.] presented a method to estimate species relative abundance by using the presence absence distribution map. In his paper, he… … Wikipedia
Occupancy frequency distribution — In macroecology and community ecology, an occupancy frequency distribution (OFD) is the distribution of the numbers of species occupying different numbers of areas.[1] It was first reported in 1918 by the Danish botanist Christen C. Raunkiær in… … Wikipedia
optics — /op tiks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) the branch of physical science that deals with the properties and phenomena of both visible and invisible light and with vision. [1605 15; < ML optica < Gk optiká, n. use of neut. pl. of OPTIKÓS; see OPTIC,… … Universalium
Optical resolution — This article is about optical resolution in optics. For the method of separating enantiomers in chemistry, see Chiral resolution. Optical resolution describes the ability of an imaging system to resolve detail in the object that is being imaged.… … Wikipedia
Superlens — A superlens, super lens or perfect lens is a lens which uses metamaterials to go beyond the diffraction limit. The diffraction limit is an inherent limitation in conventional optical devices or lenses.[1] In 2000, a type of lens was proposed,… … Wikipedia
Evoked potential — Intervention MeSH D005071 An evoked potential (or evoked response ) is an electrical potential recorded from the nervous system of a human or other animal following presentation of a … Wikipedia
Visual cortex — Brain: Visual cortex View of the brain from behind. Red = Brodmann area 17 (primary visual cortex); orange = area 18; yellow = area 19 … Wikipedia
Fourier optics — is the study of classical optics using techniques involving Fourier transforms and can be seen as an extension of the Huygens Fresnel principle. The underlying theorem that light waves can be described as made up of sinusoidal waves, in a manner… … Wikipedia